Friday 7 February 2020

JoyRead #1 - 07 February 2020

When I decided to realign the direction for Radical Ringgit, I wanted to add a weekly "articles to read" list that I hope will help you to improve your knowledge.

Thus, let me present to you the first JoyRead for your coming weekend.

1. Three Ways Bank Negara Malaysia’s Rate Cut May Affect You by Ringgit Genie - Gavinesh has an article about how the recent rate cut by BNM would actually affect each and every one of us. Is it a good thing or a bad thing? For me, it is a bit of both.

2. Paying Debt vs Investment. Which Should Be Your Priority? by Black Belt Millionaire - A lot of times, your friends would tell you that it is better to start investing and just pay the installment as scheduled. Well, Raymond has an article about which one should be your priority and I highly recommended it.

3. The Wedding Proposal: Malaysian Chinese Wedding Planning by Marcus Keong - Marcus wrote about planning for the wedding proposal, including the financial side. This is super important for all the guys out there who would be popping that question to your girlfriend in the future because you would not want things to go wrong and your girlfriend rejected your proposal right? So, have a read and better plan your wedding proposal.

4. Wealth Is What You Don't Spend by Collaborative Fund - An interesting article about how wealth is not preserved by many and why we should be more intentional with our money.

5. How Much Money Should I Keep in Savings for an Emergency Fund? by Frugal Asian Finance -The title says it all. How much savings should we keep for an emergency.

* Note to the authors of the featured article, it would be great for you to grab the following image and link it back to Radical Ringgit.

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